The Daily Office

according to the Book of Common Prayer, 2019
Anglican Church in North America

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Canticle Rotation Saved!

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Substitute Sunday/Holy Day (Eucharistic) Lectionary Saved!

On Sundays and major holy days, do you want to use the standard Daily Office readings or substitute the 3-year Sunday/Holy Day cycle? When the Daily Office is used for the principal service of a church, the prayer book instructs you to replace the Daily Office readings with the three year cycle of Sunday and Holy Day readings. This is generally done only in churches and not when using the Daily Office as a personal devotion at home.

Confession Intro Length Saved!

Use either the short or long exhortation before the confession.

Absolution Style Saved!

After the confession, read an absolution suitable for a priest or a prayer suitable for a deacon or lay person.

Morning Prayer Invitatory Saved!

Open with the Venite (Psalm 95) always (traditional), have a special celebratory invitatory on Sundays and feasts (Pascha Nostrum during Eastertide or Jubilate/Psalm 100 otherwise), or rotate between the normal and celebratory invitatory each day. Regardless of which setting you choose, the Pascha Nostrum is always used during the first week of Easter, and the invitatory will never be the same as one of the day's appointed psalms.

Reading Headings Saved!

Show or hide headings from the English Standard Version of the Bible in scripture readings

Language Style for Prayers Saved!

Traditional and contemporary language options are available for the Kyrie (Lord have mercy) and the Lord's Prayer

National Holiday Collects Saved!

Show country-specific commemorations for the United States, Canada, or both.

Evening Prayer Suffrages Saved!

Choose which set of short prayers to be used each evening

Additional Collects Saved!

Use a different collect for each day of the week, or use the same two collects (from the classic prayer books) each day.

Prayers in the Time of An Election Saved!

Include election related collects until the U.S. General election. (Automatically disabled if only Canadian feasts are selected).

Prayers in the Time of Pandemic Saved!

Include a rotating set of collects for the duration of this pandemic

Great Litany at Morning Prayer Saved!

Include the Great Litany after the collects at Morning Prayer

Great Litany at Evening Prayer Saved!

Include the Great Litany after the collects at Evening Prayer

General Thanksgiving Saved!

Pray the General Thanksgiving at the end of Morning and Evening Prayer

Prayer of St. John Chrysostom Saved!

Pray the Prayer of St. John Chrysostom at the end of Morning and Evening Prayer. This prayer is suitable when praying in a group.

The Grace Saved!

Rotate each day through the three provided conclusions, or always use the same one from the classic prayer books.

Advent "O" Antiphons Saved!

The traditional "O" Antiphons are used before and after the first canticle in Evening Prayer during the last eight days of Advent. You can use literal translations of the original Latin, or the familiar paraphrases used in the hymn "O Come, O Come Emmanuel"


Psalm 10

Ut quid, Domine?

1 Why do you stand so far off, O Lord,*

and hide your face in the time of need and trouble?

2 The ungodly in his pride persecutes the poor;*

let him be taken in the crafty schemes that he has imagined.

3 For the ungodly has boasted of his own heart's desire;*

the covetous holds the Lord in contempt and blasphemes his Name.

4 The ungodly is so proud that he cares not for God;*

neither is God in any of his thoughts.

5 His ways are always grievous;*

your judgments are far above, out of his sight, and therefore he defies all his enemies.

6 For he has said in his heart, "I shall never be cast down;*

no harm shall happen to me."

7 His mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and fraud;*

under his tongue are ungodliness and vanity.

8 He sits lurking in the thievish corners of the streets, and in his hiding places he murders the innocent;*

his eyes are set against the poor.

9 For he lies waiting secretly, even as a lion lurks in his den,*

that he may ravish the poor.

10 He ravishes the poor*

when he gets him into his net.

11 The innocent is crushed and humbled before him,*

and the weak cannot stand against his might.

12 He has said in his heart, "God has forgotten;*

he hides away his face, and he will never see it."

13 Arise, O Lord God, and lift up your hand;*

forget not the poor.

14 Why should the wicked blaspheme God,*

while he says in his heart, "You, O God, do not care"?

15 Surely you have seen it, for you behold ungodliness and wrong,*

that you may take the matter into your hand.

16 The poor commits himself unto you,*

for you are the helper of the fatherless.

17 Break the power of the ungodly and malicious;*

search out his ungodliness until you have brought it all to light.

18 The Lord is King for ever and ever,*

and the nations have perished out of the land.

19 O Lord, you have heard the desire of the poor;*

you prepare their heart, and your ear hearkens to it,

29 To help the fatherless and poor with justice,*

that the one who is of the earth may terrify no more.

View all psalms


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